Today marks the last day of the semester for me. This semester passed too damn fast! I remember I was still counting down to this day and *blink*, the semester ends today. Well actually, it haven't really ended given that I still have two projects undone and submissions due next/next next week. Even so, I feel quite carefree now! I'm just worried about internships/jobs currently. If only I don't have to worry about that as well.
I don't know if I should be happy or sad that second last semester has ended and after a very short break I would be embarking on MY LAST SEMESTER. I'm imagining that the end of my university education would be a huge milestone/phase for me. Firstly, there will be no more school, secondly I will have to be financially independent and lastly, I will have more responsibilities. It's just so scary given that I have not found a full time job yet. I will also lose the only thing that I have devoted my entire life (about 15 years) to and the only thing that I've done well; studies. At the same time, I'm excited that I will be moving into a new phase of my life!
Oh well, maybe I should leave these feelings to the next semester.
For this semester, I don't know if I became more emotional or what but I felt quite sad when the profs gave their usual short "last lesson" speech before the class ended for good. For financial modeling, I felt like tearing (omg I'm so embarrassed). It might be cause the prof gave us some advice with regards to the working world and it kinda made me sad that I have not found a job. Or I got reminded of the fact that I'll have to lose my soul to the working world soon. For two other modules, I didn't feel so sad cause I dislike the module and can't wait for it to end (kind of).
Haiz, what conflicting feelings.