Today is one of the rare days when I get home and have nothing to do. Ok, not nothing, but nothing urgent that's like due in 1-2 days.
I'm so tired :( Every Monday and Tuesday night, I have to chiong my weekly homework assignments. It's so last minute that by the time I'm finished, it's 2-3am and it's time to sleep. Then the next morning, I wake up very tired but I still have to drag myself to classes anyway. I often find myself sleeping in class and I often miss out on things that are important! Also, I don't have time to revise as well? From Y2 to Y3, I always took the effort to read in advance of my classes so I always knew what the prof was talking about. This sem, it has all gone out of the window. I don't even have time to do tutorials after the classes :( Someone save me!
I don't know the reasons for this sem's hecticness but I guess it can be narrowed down to three reasons:
1. Helping out with my parents' shop pre-CNY had resulted in a lot of backlog that I still didn't manage to clear till today.
2. Playing too many rounds of mj during the CNY period. I actually played nine rounds of 东南西北, considering that each round takes like 2.5-3 hours.
3. My modules are just too heavy. Fancy a level 3000 mod that gives weekly homework, each counting 3% toward the overall grade. Damn tiring to do, plus each homework takes me like 3-5 hours?
Really wish to enjoy my final semester but I just can't. I just want to take a break, read aDwD or go cafe hopping. Haizx