Sunday, March 24, 2013

Project Attitude

I'm currently at home nua-ing around, after returning home at 4.45am from school last night. It was a record breaking 14.5 hours working at our project. We just kept re-editing our parts and doing up other parts under the direction of a group mate. My friend says this group mate would never submit a report that's not A standard. Lol. Don't know what grade we'll get but I'm hoping it's an A. The project is crazy cus the lecturer really expects a lot. She normally teaches MBA and maybe the project she gave us is MBA standard. 25 pages, single spacing (longest report yet) on a company planning to enter two countries.

Well, after doing numerous projects for 3 years, I have some insights to offer regarding projects. The teams whose projects get A are those who keep meeting up, re-editing and asking questions about each other's part. Just like an unpolished gem, a report requires polishing. Of cus, the group also needs someone who keeps pushing the fellow group mates to improve on the project. Last year I had a project mate, J who kept pushing, and I think we did really well. Even though I only got slightly below avg for midterm, I managed an A for the module :) I asked around 3 of my group mates and they all got A too. Really grateful to my friend!!!

 I wish I'm the one who pushes, but I was never the one to push. I hate lengthy project meetings but that's when the group come together and share ideas. Haha I think it's time for me to change my attitude, and embrace projects a bit more. Take initiative, think more and question others, so we all learn at the same time.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Happiness from little things

Here I am, lying in bed at 2+am. I'm soooo grateful I finally get to lie in bed :) I love my bed so much. My mum changed the sheets and I'm totally enjoying the smell of the detergent.

I've been pretty busy this week, with 5 more projects to go and their due dates coming soon. I've had pretty intensive days this week, with an average of 2 meetings a day. I don't really like meetings :( and I can't wait for the projects to all end!!

I'm pretty happy cus
- I can play another song on my uke,
- L came to surprise me with macarons after my project meeting. So glad and guilty at the same time that he's willing to travel for an hour just to see me for 30mins :(
- I scored quite near the highest score for one of my midterms for an impt mod (forgetting the fact that I'm below avg for one and just avg for another)
- My mum changed my bed sheets and family love! Haha.
- I finally get to sleep after being so tired the whole day.
- No more class for the rest of the week
- Less scared of class part, I can finally raise my hand on whims and I don't need to plan out the points I want to say mentally before raising my hand.

I know my life's not perfect, and I shouldn't expect it to be. I'm just currently enjoying my imperfect life (still can't get internship, my mediocre grades)

5 projects, CHIONG AH!!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Hello! Here's a video of me talking about my newly bought ukulele.


My father say it sounds nicer than my ZR and I feel that it's true too. So sad :(

I bought this hulala (funny brand name right! Cus ukes come from Hawaii) tenor uke from Ukulele Movement. Think the price is slightly steep but I was a willing spender x_x

Hope I'll master playing the uke soon :)


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Inspiring quote

Came across this on Instagram and decided to post it

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no Great War, No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars, but we won't. - Tyler Durden

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My father says...

I'm supposed to study for my midterms, but nvm, just had this sudden urge to blog.

I had a long talk with my father just now and he was telling me about family related problems. It was about my aunts doubting my father's motives when all he wanted was to help my grandma. It happened long time ago and I feel quite sad for him. Imagine your own siblings bad mouthing you, or painting a bad image of you in front of your parents. And all you wanted to do was to help. A lesson my father learnt and told me, was that siblings should not 挑拨离间. Surprisingly I could draw a strong parallel from this to what happened recently. Even though I'm not involved in the incident, I feel quite sad that it has happened.

What happened was that Z and L (both I know, they both know each other beforehand too) got into the same group for a module. Subsequently, they had disagreements and I think they quarreled. L then tweeted that he "chose the right module but he didn't chose the right group mate." A few days later, Z posted a status on facebook hinting that she knows about the tweet. Apparently, someone had either told her or showed her the tweet, since L locked his twitter and Z didn't have twitter. The "someone" can be easily deduced to be someone from a certain organization, since L and Z belonged to the same organization and there were some other members of the organization who followed L on twitter.

Yes, I'm not involved, but I have to say this.

But WHY DID THE "SOMEONE" HAVE TO SHOW L's TWEET TO Z? For fuck? To 挑拨离间?  I thought all of us once more than acquaintances cus all of us once belonged to that organization. I thought we were at least friends. Like if the "someone" already know that there's some disagreements between these two people, why would "someone" choose to show something to Z that would aggravate the whole thing? At first, despite their disagreements, Z and L were still friends. Now, Z doesn't even say hi to L anymore and I wonder if they would still be friends in the future. "SOMEONE", ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW? Friends just don't do that to each other. Maybe L was wrong for posting that or maybe he was just angry at that point in time, but "someone", you didn't have to show that to Z. You don't want them to be friends anymore? Even though friends are not as close as siblings, but I feel that, as mutual friends, we should not try to deepen the animosity. Instead, we should try mediate or at least, act as if nothing happened.

I really feel quite sad that it has happened and maybe it showed how shallow the friendships were.

"Someone",  I really hope you regret what you did.

p/s "someone", maybe you can show this to Z too, if that's what you like to do.

p/s/s I know from some sources that there are other people in the organization trying to 挑拨离间 too and it pains me so much. WHYYYY.

Omg the more I think about it, the more angry I get. Hope it pass soon and thank goodness I'm not part of this organization this semester.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Things I want to tell you about

But you might not want to hear... Haha. This post is going to be a record of the thoughts going through my mind lately.

Recently, I've been studying investments for my upcoming midterm as I'm currently taking this module, investments and portfolio management. It's fun and it makes me more interested in investing. Well, actually I have an interest in investing in the stock market, which is sometimes buried. It started out when I joined the POEMS stock challenge and I made some positive profits. I didn't make the top returns though. My father then "gave" me some money to invest upon hearing that I was interested in investing. Since the amount my parents gave me is quite little, I can only speculate, and I only dare to speculate on one stock. Haha noob me. I don't dare to buy other stocks I'm unfamiliar with. I've made some modest profits so far but nothing impressive. Planning to research on more stocks this coming summer break. Then while in investments class, I learnt that it's very difficult to beat the market, so I decided to persuade my father to put a sum of his money into a portfolio of stocks in various industries with various dividend yields, which will provide a steady stream of dividend income for when he's old. Haha but he's not convinced. I guess we have different investment philosophies. He believes in speculation and wants me to double my principal in 1-2 years, which is like freaking impossible? If I can do it then I'm like the next Warren Buffett. I told him that thousands of people with phD believes that no one can beat the market but he still refused to believe me. While I, on the other hand, believe in the academics. I would be happy if my portfolio can mirror the index despite the lesser diversification. Then my father proceeded to tell me a lot of stories about companies and financial crises haha. A lot of what he said made sense. Like currently a lot of money is leaving Europe to find investment opportunities in Asia, once Europe recovers, the money will leave Asia and we'll die :( haha. Waiting to see if it'll come true!

Oh yah and I also currently have an interest in buying a ukulele and learning how to play it! Sparked by discussions with Debra and Fang in the AMK library while studying. Anyway my brother plays the guitar very well! He learnt it himself online and I want to be able to play the guitar too. But the strings are freaking difficult to press, despite my zhongruan background. And I heard that the chords on the ukulele are super easy to play plus the ukuleles are all so small and cute. I got this impulse to buy it, like now. But I shall wait and see if it'll pass.

End of my rant -