Tuesday, May 14, 2013


On certain days, I wake up with a go-go attitude, thinking of things like "I want to succeed in life", "I want to be rich", feeling like I have chosen the right course and field. On other days, I wake up doubting myself, whether I chose the right field and if I'm suited to certain working conditions.

I had my orientation today, it was all good until I went to my department. Suddenly I felt that I had no freedom with impending work. Can't have my afternoons free to hang out with L and friends. Suddenly, those afternoons felt so so so precious, so much more precious than gaining interning experience/pumping up my resume and I felt depressed.

Is it me, or I get depressed easily?

I can't wait for the internship to end. However, I was originally looking forward to it.

Really, I'm a person so full of dilemmas, my thoughts filled with love-hate relationships. I don't know if I'm normal. Haha.

& suddenly I feel that being able to knock off work on time is a BIG deal.

Oh well. I hope these feelings are only temporary and I would get used to the internship life sooooon. Wish me luck, I wish to enjoy this last internship experience...

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