Yesterday, I landed back home at 10+pm and that marked the end of my two month rendezvous with traveling. I felt sad cus it's finally time to start looking for a job for full time!
The two months of traveling have been fun and I have broadened my perspectives a little.
Europe has been eye-opening (as usual) cus it's so different from Asia. The people there are so much more laid-back and I feel like they know how to enjoy the finer things in life, like having a multiple course dinner and drinking red wine, people-watch. The type of sights are different too. In Asia, it's mostly temples, night view of the CBD area but for Europe, it's churches and preserved architecture. I love it! Too bad it's freaking expensive and far :(
I have to admit I was quite apprehensive when I went to Taiwan cus I didn't have a good impression of the trip we took four years ago. I remember I was so sick of shopping and eating 夜市 food. But you can't escape 夜市 cus it's a quintessential activity of Taiwanese people. If we don't go, we also have nothing to do at night. In the end, I'm glad to say I really enjoyed the trip!! We went out of Taipei and in my 8 day trip, I was only in Taipei for 2 days. I enjoyed myself more in the places out of Taipei, especially Kenting & Hualien (which Debra and Fang concluded that it was cus we hired drivers).
I was very relieved when I came back from China!!!! I realized one thing there, if you wanna buy cheap stuff, you gotta compromise on your wellbeing. Overall, I am glad that my parents brought me on this trip, cus otherwise I don't think I will ever go? I don't think any of my friends are interested in going to China lol. I was amazed at how cheap some of the things are. Monopods were selling at less than 3 SGD each, iPhone screen protectors (those shatter proof glass that sells for like $20 in SG) at $4, transparent iPhone case at 80 cents, egg tarts at 20 cents, a meal for three at less than $5, sunglasses at $2 (those nice ones I have seen selling for $8- $10 in HK/TW) and a piece of clothing that I bought in TW for $16 was selling at $8 (ARGHHHH). My family just went crazy over shopping! But then I think my wellbeing was severely affected. The toilets are quite dirty and I keep seeing people spitting on the floor! At the end I was always looking at the ground to make sure I don't step on the spit. FREAKING 噁心!!! I cringed every time I hear people spitting. People also smoked in air-con even though it was prohibited. Really puts me off sighhh. That's the price I gotta pay for cheap shopping. I also got to see the wholesale scene in Dongguan & Guangzhou! China is really a land of opportunities. They sell soooo many things, and there's stiff competition there so you'll definitely get a good price. But you just gotta tolerate all those things.
So this is the end of my general reflection for each trip. I will try to blog more about travels in the next few weeks!
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