Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oh bring me back to the start

I came back from Taiwan two days ago, feeling emo. Just one more trip before I start fully on the job hunt. I hate job hunting, maybe cus I am not good at it. Going to interviews always mean more rejections for me. Rejections hurt my ego (is that what you call it?). Rejections makes me feel bad and makes me doubt my abilities

<Am I that lousy?>
<Why can't I pass one single interview?>

Things like that... I wish I could be better but I am just not. Hoping that I will improve with more practice, but before that I need to steel myself for such rejections and thoughts.

When my Taiwan trip ended, all I wanted to do is to rewind the tape. I want move back in time, just right before I left for London and re-do my whole Europe trip one more time. Trips are so fun and tiring at the same time! For awhile, I can forget my insecurities and responsibilities back home and just enjoy myself. But these times are over :( Just one more trip to HK and China before I start fully on the job hunt. I dread it so much... Because once I get through and get a job, life would be monotonous. Each overseas trip would be super precious. I really really wish I don't need to get a job and just travel, but that's impossible. & it's only the gruelling and boring work that I would find overseas trips fun? Haiya, life and its opposing forces.

I hope to travel to all parts of the world before I die. The next two places I want to go are Japan and Middle East/Turkey! I have seen my friends' photos of Turkey and it looks awesomeeeee. Please let me find a job and earn the money to go these places!

I hope to start blogging about my Europe trip in the next few days!

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