Saturday, November 22, 2014

Europe Travelogue Day 10: Paris Disneyland

You can read my previous posts here:
Day -1Day 1Day 2Day 3 Day 4Day 5 & 6Day 7Day 8Day 9

On our third day in Paris, we headed to Disneyland! It was a distance away from the city center so we took a long train there.

Caucasians just weren't as enthusiastic as Japanese about Disneyland, as shown by the crowd numbers.

I have a confession to make. In this supposedly land of happiness, I started tearing. I was enjoying myself in Disneyland but I felt like I wasn't a child anymore and I felt sad. I was overwhelmed by the prospect of working full time until I am 60+ and I didn't want that. I don't want to be chained to my desk (which is what I am now sighhh :( ) I want to remain a young adult for life, and just enjoy myself without any burden. As I think back how I felt, I realised my thinking was very self-centred. It's time to pay back my parents for the 23 years of carefree life they have selflessly (they could have spent the money in so many other areas but they chose to spend the money on me) given me.

Thankfully I recovered from that after awhile and managed to enjoy myself. We had to leave early again because we were afraid of our safety at night.

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