Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Things she did

Sometimes I feel like I have the best Mum in the world. Thought I'll just write down some of the things she does for me so I'll remember next time:

1. Prepare breakfast for me. Sometimes it's homemade sandwiches, other times she'll buy bread from the bakery

2. Buy the things I want to eat! Told her I want to cook cold udon (after eating at Ten-Ichi @ Nex) and she bought me the dipping sauce. She also bought cockles for supper last night. I love shellfish!!!

3. If I tell her I want to cook pasta for dinner, she'll help me prepare ingredients by chopping garlic and deveining prawns and putting them into the fridge for my use later. She'll even help me wash the pan in advance. So when I come back, all I need to do is to cook!

4. Help me pack my luggage for overseas trip. Because I'm usually quite chill about packing, she'll be like "你这样晚pack, 来得及吗?” Then she'll help me pack x_x

Really appreciate all the things my parents has done for me! The next question is, what can I do for them? Hopefully I can come up with a good answer in 10 years' time. 

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