Celebrated V'day with Lx on Saturday! We went to La Taperia for lunch, a Spanish restaurant located at Shaw House.
We ordered two tapas and a paella to share.
Some beef steak which Lx ordered. It was juicy and nice!
This is my favourite! Can't remember the name, but it consists of mushrooms, fried garlic and a half-boiled egg. I don't know why mushrooms served in restaurants are always delicious, and the fried garlic was super crisssspy. I love it.

Our squid-ink paella came after half an hour. The clams and prawns were larger than expected. I thought it was so-so only but Lx loved the rice. I found it too dry as I still prefer my paella to be more risotto-esque.
Lx got me flowers even though I told him not to and just get me a small potted rose so I can grow it in my office. But he didn't listen! I can't stay I wasn't happy though. I was pleasantly surprised and guilty at the same time, cus he must have spent a bomb on it and the money could be better spent on other areas!! :(
After our meal, we headed to Wine Connection for an afternoon drink. I couldn't stop admiring the flowers, it was so pretty (or so I think).

Afterwards, we headed to his aunt's house for reunion dinner. Truth to be told, it was pretty unnerving to meet his extended family for the first time. Cus there will be so many people and I won't know what to say.
But... it beat each and every of my expectations! His extended family were all so friendly and nice and funny. They reminded me of how my own extended family will be during CNY Day 1. I was pretty upset the whole week before, but interacting with them made me forgot all of that. All in all, it was a wonderful day cus it made me realize that there's more to life than work. Spending time with family and friends can bring me so much joy and I am glad CNY is coming cus I can't wait to spend time with my own family! It's a pity that work takes up a large proportion of our time such that we only have limited time to meet up with our family and friends during festive occasions.
I am trying to look on the bright side, and this quote made it a little easier:
"Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And, if things are going bad, don't worry, it can't last forever either"Hoping it will all be over soon...
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