Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The title says it all.

I just killed myself in bizlaw today. Couldnt finish a question and it was worth 30 marks. There was like 16 points, at least, to write about, but I FUCKING couldnt finish it. I ONLY WROTE 1 POINT OUT OF THAT 16 POINTS.
I knew what to write, but I couldnt write fast enough.
How could I allow myself to not finish a 30 mark question?

University is a nightmare to me. I am living up to all my incompetence in NUS business school. & it isnt even the best faculty or the best business school. I've always strived to be better, whether is it in terms of my studies, or 中阮 or as a person. But the returns I've been getting back are like negative compared to the effort I'm putting in. Am I expecting too much thats why?

Incompetence will kill, and I dunno how to overcome it. No matter how hard I work, there seem to be something there that will stop me from reaching my goal.

I so need to do well for my bizlaw. I know my bizcomm and korean 2 is like GG alr and yet I still allowed myself to do badly for bizlaw. I feel like crying, and I've never cried over any paper done before. I'm really really depressed and there's this hole in my heart. Havent I not done badly for the rest of my subjects? x_x I wont even dare to see my own results for this sem.
Someone might as well kill me right now

I need to do honours so badly. I had everything in university planned, but nothing is going my way this sem. What to do? Graduate after 3 years and not go for SEP due to my cui CAP?

I'm entering a new era of my own incompetence.

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